Introducing our newest writer, Paula Hill

Two Row Times would like to take a moment to introduce one of our newest writers, Paula Hill. Paula is Cayuga nation, wolf clan and a band member of Six Nations. Her education has included Indigenous Addictions Services Worker, Law Clerk training, and Public Administration and Governance. She has 13 years of experience working in a social justice research and advocacy context for Six Nations. In addition to the writing she does for Two Row Times, Paula is employed as Coordinator with the Aboriginal Shelters of Ontario. She sits as a board member for the Six Nations Food Bank, Kawenni:io/Gaweni:yo and on the commission for Ogwadeni:deo Child Welfare Designation. Paula is a single mother of three children, with aspirations of someday marrying her soul mate, Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer. Paula is a bookworm and a self-professing geek.

Paula would be happy to cover your stories. If you have a story idea that you would like to share, please email Paula at, find her on Facebook, or contact Tom Keefer at Two Row Times at (519) 900-5535.

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